#Zip code phoenix az plus#
85019-3405 is a ZIP code of 3522 Grand Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona (AZ) and list of areas associated with same ZIP code are shown below. 43 Under 5 85 Plus Male Female Total Gender Race Head of Household by Age 15-24 85 Plus Owner Renter Total Families vs Singles Households with Kids Children by Age 1 20 Male Female Total Real Estate and Housing ZIP code 85020 has a slightly less than average percentage of vacancies. Only hotels in 85037 zip code are listed below. Here, we provides the Zip codes of different areas of USA for not only fulfilling the need of people as well as come up with authentic information in simplest manner with their map location. has been created for people like you, who are in quick need of searching zip codes of different areas of the USA, without having to rush anywhere. Weve overlayed zip code boundaries over a minimalistic static map of Phoenix showing major roads, parks, bodies of water and more. The median family income in Phoenix is 75,683, with families comprising 3+ earners ( 47,400) having the highest median family income of 114,594, while families with no earners ( 39,101) have the lowest median family income of 36,898, accounting for 12.9 and 10.6 of families, respectively.
#Zip code phoenix az license#
This page contains PHOENIX 9-digit ZIP Code list, PHOENIX population, schools, museums, libraries, universities. Race White Other Cities Neighborhoods Our Phoenix, AZ map is part of the HTML5 City/Zip Map license that we sell. ZIP Code is a Zone Improvement Plan, which was originally regestered as a service mark and its basic format consists five decimal numerical digits, whereas an extended ZIP+4 code includes five digits, four additional digits and a hypen.Address of any area is just an incomplete without ZIP codes.To remind all ZIP codes of different areas is just an impossible task and in today's computerized world everyone is depended upon online resources. PHOENIX ZIP Codes are 85001, 85002, 85003,etc.

Sponsored Links A system of postal codes used to send mail travels more efficienty and quickly by United States Postal Service since 1963.